Giving Hope
to the Next Generation
Gates of Hope is a not-for-profit organization that empowers individuals and develops communities. We build meaningful relationships
through purposeful service.
Giving Hope
to the Next Generation
Gates of Hope is a not-for-profit organization that empowers individuals and develops communities. We build meaningful relationships
through purposeful service.

Summer Camp
We have teamed up with an organization founded by Jeff Mandell, called Open Doors, that sends local refugee children to the Treasure Valley YMCA summer camp. This program is designed to give kids, typically coming from extreme hardship, a chance to be a kid! The YMCA camp provides a wonderful opportunity for these kids to build friendships, learn the culture, and make positive lasting memories. These experiences are extremely important for the children's emotional and social development moving forward as they try and acclimate to their new world. For many it is a chance to reclaim a childhood that was stolen from them.

Camp Supplies & Fees
The YMCA has offered for refugee children to attend summer camp at a discounted rate but our goal is to make camp completely free for each kid. If you would like to join with us in sponsoring a child any amount you can afford will help! Click below and indicate in the 'Special Purpose' line "Camp Sponsorship."
If you are interested in contributing a different way, we also provide each child with a bag of supplies that equips them for camp! Many of the children are lacking basic necessities such as quality shoes, jackets, underwear and socks, so providing the basics is a huge blessing! A bag of supplies costs around $100. Click below to buy a bag and indicate in the 'Special Purpose' line "Camp Bag." Any amount is welcome!
YMCA-Camp Horsethief Reservoir
Y Camp immerses children in a community where making friends is natural, exploring new interests is encouraged, and discovering inner strength is guaranteed. Few environments are as special as camp, where kids become a community as they learn both how to be more independent and how to contribute to a group. The spirit of camp exists when kids are allowed to explore the natural environment, test their physical boundaries, and get dirty! Y Camp teaches self-reliance, a love for nature and the outdoors, and the development of attitudes and practices that build character and leadership—all amidst the fun of camp fires, canoeing, archery, talent shows, and meaningful relationships. Every child deserves the Y Camp experience!